InseRF yourself into 3D Scenes!
So essentially,
You can edit 3D scenes with text now!
Paper: InseRF: Text-Driven Generative Object Insertion in Neural 3D Scenes(16 pages)
Researchers from ETH Zurich and Google Zurich are interested in facilitating 3D scene editing. Existing methods are mostly effective in editing 3D scenes via style and appearance changes or removing existing objects. However, generating new objects remains a challenge for such methods, which the authors address in this study with their proposed method, InseRF.
Hmm..What’s the background?
The paper addresses the challenge of generating and inserting new objects in 3D scenes in a consistent and controlled manner. Existing methods, such as Instruct-NeRF2NeRF, in performing localized edits or geometry manipulations in 3D scenes. This highlights the need for a method that can achieve 3D-consistent and localized editing of 3D scenes, particularly in the context of object insertion
Ok, So what is proposed in the research paper?
The research outlines the methodology of InseRF, which involves grounding the 3D object insertion to a 2D object insertion in a reference view of the scene.
The 2D edit is then lifted to 3D using a single-view object reconstruction method, followed by 3D placement guided by the priors of monocular depth estimation methods.
InseRF was compared to existing baselines, including Instruct-NeRF2NeRF (I-N2N) and a proposed baseline called Multi-View Inpainting (MV-Inpainting). The evaluation of InseRF demonstrated its effectiveness in generative object insertion in 3D scenes. Visual comparisons with baselines highlighted the limitations of other methods in achieving 3D consistency and localized modification of the scene. The optional refinement step after inserting the objects in the scenes was shown to improve the details, texture, and lighting effects of the inserted objects.
And what’s next?
The researchers discuss potential future improvements and integrations that can enhance the performance and realism of the insertions generated by InseRF, such as exploring methods capable of localized 2D insertion and text-based spatial guidance, as well as integrating view-consistent editing methods and existing approaches for scene-consistent shadowing and harmonization with the refinement step of InseRF.
So essentially,
You can edit 3D scenes with text now!